Diagnostic Evaluation 2011 - Sample Items

HERE you can download test samples liberated by the ISEI-IVEI (Basque Institute for Evaluation), as well as samples used in other communities.

Diagnostic Evaluation 2011

As in the previous two years, in February-March 2011 all the pupils in Primary 4 and Secondary 2 in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country will be evaluated by the Evaluation Institute (ISEI-IVEI)
This time the test will measure our pupils' competence in the following fields:
- Maths
- Language competence in Basque
- Language competence in Spanish
- Language competence in English
We think the Evaluation Institute will make available to see and download some example-items of the English test in its website very soon.
Meanwhile, we have some examples of the tests used in the Balearic Islands a couple of years ago. Here they are:
- Primary 4 test example 1
- Primary 4 test example 2
- Primary 4 test example 3
- Secondary 2 test example 1
- Secondary 2 test example 2
- Secondary 2 test example 3
We do not have the audio files necessary to use it properly in our classrooms, but we can get an idea of the test-type.

English in Primary Seminar 2010-2011

The first session of the seminar will be held on September 16th from 12 to 2 pm. All the teachers of English in Primary who work or live in the area of Durango are invited to take part in it.
The seminar is held once a month, on a Thursday afternoon, from 2:45 to 4:45 pm., and it pretends to be a meeting point for the teachers of English, where they can get information and some training, bring their own experiences and learn from each other.
The seminar calendar is already HERE
To register, you can go HERE or write an email to b09lehen@gmail.com, giving your name and two surnames, identity card number and your school's name.

Trilingual Education Project in the Basque Country

You can find all the official information about this project in this LINK

Linguistic Inmersion Stays for Primary 6 pupils in Berriz and Orio (2010-2011 couse-year)

All the info HERE

Getxolinguae 2010

The Berritzegune of Getxo organizes the 10ยช edition of Getxolinguae. It will be held at the Tamarises Hotel on the 12th and 13th of May.
Click HERE for more info and inscriptions.

Diagnostic Evaluation 2009-2010 - Social and Civic Competence

Besides the Mathematical Competence and the Language Communication Competence, this year our pupils will have to pass a test on Social and Civic Competence. We can find and download some examples of question-types in the Evaluation Institute (ISEI-IVEI) website.

Diagnostic Evaluation in Primary 4 (2009-2010)

Here some important information we can read in the resolution by the Education Vice Counselor:

1.- 2009/2010 ikasturte honetan ebaluatuko diren oinarrizko konpetentziak hauek izango dira:

- Hizkuntza-komunikaziorako konpetentzia euskaraz eta gaztelaniaz.
- Matematikarako konpetentzia.
- Gizarterako eta herritartasunerako konpetentzia.

- Aplikazio honetan bertan, zentroen herenean, gutxi gorabehera, euskarazko, gaztelaniazko eta atzerriko hizkuntzako (ingelesa) hizkuntza-komunikazioko konpetentziari eta matematikarako konpetentziari dagokien proben ebaluazio pilotua egingo da, eta horien emaitzekin, ISEI-IVEIk 2010-11 ikasturtean aplikatuko diren konpetentzien gaineko behin betiko probak egin ahal izango ditu.

2.- Probak aplikatzeko epea hau izango da:
a) Lehen Hezkuntzako 4. mailako ikasleak: 2010ko otsailaren 22tik martxoaren 5era bitartean.
b) Derrigorrezko Bigarren Hezkuntzako 2. mailako ikasleak: 2010ko martxoaren 8tik martxoaren 19ra bitartean.
c) Ezohiko egoerak edo aplikazioan zehar sor daitezkeen arazoak konpontzeko, aurreko artikuluetan adierazitako aplikazio-epeak zenbait egunetan zabaldu ahal izango dira.

Training opportunity in the UK

1. Content Language Integrated Learning and Education for Sustainability - 13th-19th June 2010
2. Education for Sustainability for English Language Teachers – 20th-26th June 2010

Both courses take place in the beautiful medieval town of Shrewsbury and are run by the leading Education for Sustainability organisation in the UK – Sense&Sustainability.

Find out more on and go to the courses pages.
Both courses qualify for funding from your EU National Agency

Comenius - Grundtvig Training Database – go to https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/llp/istcoursedatabase

To find your Nation Agency – go to http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-programme/doc1208_en.htm

For more information email senseandsustainability@googlemail.com